Thursday, August 24, 2017

EX PM Tony Abbott Passed Out Drunk During Important Parliamentary Vote. V/CLIP;

Global financial markets were collapsing, and Abbott was too pissed to vote.

Tony Abbott has admitted that he passed out, drunk, in Parliament House and was too intoxicated to vote on measures around Australia’s response to the global financial crisis in 2009.

Abbott admitted to the long-running rumour to ABC journalist Annabel Crabb, as part of her new TV series ‘The House’. In the episode to air on September 5, Abbott laughed as he recounted the story.

The Member for Warringah said he was with fellow Liberals Peter Costello and Kevin Andrews and “hung out rather a long time” in the members-only dining room of Parliament House.

“The night that the then-Rudd government was trying to bring in measures to deal with the GFC,” Abbott said.

“I think quite a few bottles of wine were consumed by the three of us.

“I think I famously slept through several divisions.”

Source: Tony Abbott Was Passed Out Drunk During Important Parliamentary Vote

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