Friday, August 25, 2017

‘Shocking’: Neo-Nazis fly swastika, salute at shopping center where leader was killed

Two weeks after Charlottesville, neo-Nazis went to the Dominion Hills shopping center in Arlington to commemorate the assassination of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, 50 years ago today.

A small group of neo-Nazis gathered outside an Arlington, Va., shopping center Friday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of an American Nazi leader’s assassination.

As one man held a large red flag emblazoned with a swastika, half a dozen others raised their right arms in a Nazi salute. Their ceremony came two weeks after neo-Nazis and white supremacists rallied in Charlottesville, where clashes with counterprotesters left one woman dead and many others injured.

The neo-Nazis who appeared in Arlington are members of New Order, a successor to the American Nazi Party, whose founder, George Lincoln Rockwell, was shot to death at the Dominion Hills shopping center on Aug. 25, 1967.

Martin Kerr, New Order’s chief of staff, said most of those who attended the commemoration live in the Washington area, although one came from Wisconsin to pay tribute to Rockwell.

“We laid a wreath, I said a few words and then we gave a nationalist socialist salute for 88 seconds,” Kerr said, explaining that the 88 seconds symbolized “Heil Hitler.”

Source: ‘Shocking’: Neo-Nazis fly swastika, salute at shopping center where leader was killed – The Washington Post

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