Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ivanka Trump: ‘beautiful to see’ anti-racism march in Boston. Pres Trump: “many anti-police agitators in Boston”

Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who is Jewish, tweeted Saturday night: “It was beautiful to see thousands of people across the USA come together today to peacefully denounce bigotry, racism & anti-Semitism. We must continue to come together, united as Americans!”

Thousands of anti-racism demonstrators flooded the streets of Boston Saturday, dwarfing a gathering of white nationalists in the city and triggering scuffles with police but avoiding the serious violence that marred a similar event a week earlier in Virginia.

While Boston saw no repeat of the violence that erupted last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, isolated scuffles between police and protesters prompted President Donald Trump to weigh in, with a tweet intoning against the “many anti-police agitators in Boston.”

But as protesters began departing central Boston without major incident later Saturday, he followed up with a more positive tone.

“I want to applaud the many protestors in Boston who are speaking out against bigotry and hate,” he tweeted.

“Our country will soon come together as one!”

Boston Police Commissioner William Evans told a press conference that while there were people “who came here to cause problems,” authorities were able to maintain order and keep the two sides apart. He credited a unit specially trained for crowd control.

“I thought they did a good job of moving that crowd,” Evans said. “Sometimes it doesn’t look pretty, but that’s what they’re trained for.”

MORE: Thousands join anti-racism march in Boston | SBS News

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