Monday, July 24, 2017

Inside the rebel ship #Perth fans are queuing up to see

WHEN the Sea Shepherd ship Ocean Warrior docked in Fremantle’s Fishing Boat Harbour after three months of Operation Nemesis, trailing Japanese whaling vessels in the Southern Ocean, the crew were welcomed with open arms — and fresh fruit.

“I’ve never seen a group of people so excited,” Tamara Nzima, co-ordinator of the Perth chapter of Sea Shepherd, said.

The crew had long since run out of fresh food as they stalked the Japanese whaling vessels in the frosty waters of Antarctica, and of all the creature comforts on offer in WA, a meal not out of a tin was top of the list.

The Ocean Warrior docked in Fremantle in early March and seven crew have been living on the ship, waiting for instructions as to their next mission. In the meantime, their remit is hearts and minds.

Free tours every Sunday have seen about 9000 people visit the Sea Shepherd’s newest ship and drop more than $5000 into their fundraising collection tins.

The crew have been participating in local beach clean-ups and telling as many people as possible about the work they do across the world tackling illegal fishing and environmental degradation in our oceans.

Source: Inside the rebel ship Perth fans are queuing up to see | Perth Now

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