Tuesday, July 25, 2017

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7, Episode 2 Recap: ‘Stormborn’

Season 7, Episode 2, ‘Stormborn’

One thing we knew going into Season 7 of “Game of Thrones” was that as the expansive story began to contract toward its conclusion, characters who had been long separated or were strangers to one another would begin to come together.

On Sunday that was happening all over the place, as roughly 98 subplots unfolded over lots of conversation and a few flashes of action in a talky, busy episode. Characters we’ve known for years connected either for the first time on the show or in new ways, sharing moments that were by turns touching, revolting, conniving and deadly.

Euron Greyjoy met a couple of Sand Snakes, and it didn’t go well for the ladies. (R.I.P., I guess.) Melisandre talked prophesies with Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion. Yara and Ellaria explored new layers to their relationship before getting interrupted by a sea battle. Samwell Tarly’s dad negotiated loyalties with Jaime. Samwell himself treated Jorah and [shudder].

Others felt each other out, like Daenerys Targaryen and Varys, who hashed out six seasons of tangled history in a few pages of dialogue. (And it mostly made sense!) Elsewhere in Dragonstone, Grey Worm and Missandei found a way to make it work

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