Sunday, June 11, 2017

World’s largest statue taking shape in Bali

The world’s biggest statue, of Hindi god Winsu riding the mythical bird Garuda, is finally taking shape on a hill overlooking Bali’s international airport.

Twenty-five years and around $100 million in the making, the enormous copper and brass sculpture is of the Hindu god Wisnu astride the mythical bird Garuda.

After years of planning, re-designs, cash shortages and stop-start construction, sculptor Nyoman Nuarta says the project should be finished next September.

And the final phase — the fitting of the sculpture’s skin to the concrete and steel skeleton — is well underway.

The copper and brass claws of Garuda are finally gripping an enormous, purpose-built, concrete pedestal.

It should be relatively straightforward, compared to the complex engineering and fundraising for the private project.

“I no longer think about making profit from this project but I just want to work and finish this project because this is my dignity — my family’s and mine — that’s at stake. So it has to be completed,” said Mr Nyoman, speaking to the ABC at his workshop in Bandung, on the island of Java…

Source: Bali statue of Hindu god Wisnu to be world’s largest – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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