Saturday, June 17, 2017

House Of Cards Has Collapsed, And It’s Partly Our Fault

It should have finished after season four, but we begged for more.

It’s only a TV show, but we have loved it passionately, and we waited long and hard for the latest instalment. There’s no easy way to say this, but here it is: ‘House of Cards’ season 5 is a dog.

If you haven’t watched it yet, don’t worry, I’m not about to spoil it for you (the series creators have done a perfectly good job of that all by themselves). But to save yourself heartbreak, you should know up front that the House of Cards has finally collapsed, just as its name suggests.

The stylish, subtle political thriller that obsessed us for four seasons has become, in its fifth, a parody of itself. The plot — always verging on unbelievable — has become preposterous. Frank and Claire Underwood have gone from power-hungry schemers (plausible enough) to US President and Vice-President (stretching credibility here) to a pair of psychopaths on a killing spree.

In one of the more ludicrous scenes, Frank pushes a major character down the stairs outside the Oval Office to delay an investigation into his activities. With all those Southern accents, all you can think of is Scarlett O’Hara tumbling down the staircase in ‘Gone With the Wind’…

Source: House Of Cards Has Collapsed, And It’s Partly Our Fault

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