Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hutt River royalty hit with $3 million tax bill

THE ruler of the Hutt River Province has been ordered by WA’s Supreme Court to pay the princely sum of more than $3 million in unpaid taxes to the Australian Tax Office.

In a writ filed in the WA Supreme Court late last year, the tax office alleged that Leonard George Casley, who calls himself His Royal Highness Prince Leonard, failed to pay income tax between June 2006 and November 2013 — a period spanning eight financial years.

A similar but smaller claim was made against Leonard’s son Arthur, who is known as Prince Wayne.

The ATO sued the 91-year-old former monarch – who abdicated earlier this year – to recover the alleged multimillion-dollar debt, which the original writ claimed was made up of $1.47 million in unpaid income tax and running balance account debt, $756,000 in penalties and $415,000 in interest…

Source: Hutt River royalty hit with $3 million tax bill | Perth Now

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