Thursday, June 15, 2017

Red tape killing life in Perth’s CBD, MP John Carey says

NEW MP for Perth John Carey has labelled the CBD “dead” and boring during an impassioned plea for red tape to be slashed to help city traders jazz up the streets.

Andy Hepenstall, of Hay Street coffee stand Cafe Vinyl, said he paid $2000 a year for three kerbside tables and chairs, which he considered to be “additional rent”.

Mr Hepenstall said reducing the cost burden would allow CBD businesses to lower prices, employ more people and increase the vibrancy.

“If you look up and down the streets at the moment it’s pretty drab, pretty boring,” he said.

Ms Scaffidi said council resolved in November to review the alfresco dining local law, and a public survey was launched on June 1.

“This feedback will be used to determine a new policy setting for council’s consideration, and it would be premature to amend the policy without full consideration of all feedback provided by the community,” she said.

Source: Red tape killing life in Perth’s CBD, MP says | Perth Now

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