Thursday, June 8, 2017

There’s a real chance that Trump could be impeached after James Comey’s testimony


Donald Trump’s gaudy and scandal-ridden political career is now hanging on by a single orange thread – and today could be the day we finally see that thread slashed down the middle.

Enter James Comey, long-time federal prosecutor and freshly sacked FBI director with one heck of a chip on his shoulder.

Comey was tossed out in the cold last month as a direct result of his public investigation into whether Donald Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russian hackers to sabotage Hillary Clinton and steal the presidency. If even a shred of the allegations against Trump’s team are true, this steaming heap will effortlessly dwarf Richard Nixon’s infamous Watergate scandal to become the most disturbing ethical crisis America’s Executive Branch has ever faced.

Not even the “Teflon Don” will be able to survive all this, and to be honest, it’s not looking good. Every move the President has made since this Russia thing started brewing has made him look guiltier and guiltier…

MORE: There’s a real chance that Donald Trump will be impeached after James Comey’s testimony | The Independent

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