Saturday, June 10, 2017

Eight injured as car hits crowd outside Amsterdam station

Dutch police arrest a man after his car strikes a crowd outside Amsterdam’s central station before crashing into a wall.

A car ploughed into a crowd outside Amsterdam central station late Saturday, injuring eight people – two of them seriously, Dutch police said, adding it appeared to have been an accident.

“The suspect has been interviewed, and it appears not to have been intentional. But we are investigating further,” Amsterdam police said on their Twitter account.

Eight people had been hurt, “two of them seriously,” the police said in a tweet, adding the driver was under arrest after his car hit the crowd and then crashed into a wall.

The news came a week after three attackers in a van mowed down pedestrians in London before going on a stabbing spree, killing eight people and injuring 48.

Dutch media reported the Amsterdam incident happened when police approached a black Peugeot which was badly parked, and the driver tried to speed away.

Source: Eight injured as car hits crowd outside Amsterdam station | SBS News

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