Friday, June 9, 2017

Women have bad days, Vladimir Putin, but it’s not because of our ‘cycles’: Van Badham

I tell you one thing that improves the quality of my days, Mr Putin. That I’m not a woman who lives in the kind of Russia you’ve been building.

Russian president Vladimir Putin doesn’t have bad days because he’s “not a woman”. “There are certain natural cycles,” he explains. This is from an actual interview with American director Oliver Stone.

I’m not sure what “natural cycles” you’re talking about, Vlad. Are you making some oblique and queasy reference to menstruation? The mind boggles as to just what provoked you to so forcibly affirm to Oliver Stone a) your gender identity and b) that it wasn’t your shark week. Surely all the bare-chested horse-riding and military expansionism should have been enough to convince Stone you are the manliest man of men-man manning maleness in the worldwide history of wang…

MORE: Women have bad days, Vladimir Putin, but it’s not because of our ‘cycles’ | Van Badham | Opinion | The Guardian

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