Friday, June 9, 2017

Worse terror attack on London Bridge foiled by chance, police say

The three terrorists who struck London Bridge last Saturday tried to hire a 7.5-tonne lorry on the morning of the attack to kill even more people and inflict an even bigger atrocity on Britain.

Police revealed the attempt to rent the lorry was made hours before they staged the attack, with the trio instead using a rented van to run people over, and then going on a stabbing rampage, killing eight and wounding 48.

The van was hired by the ringleader, named by police as Khuram Butt. Police believe the intended atrocity was on a similar scale to that in Nice, France, in August 2016 when a truck drove into a crowd and left 86 people dead.

The attempted truck hire failed only by chance, because Butt failed to provide payment details. Instead they hired a Renault van from a firm in Harold Hill, Romford, in east London.

Commander Dean Haydon, of Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command, said: “Concerningly, Butt had earlier attempted to hire a 7.5-tonne lorry that same morning. When he did not provide payment details, the rental did not go ahead. The effects could have been even worse.”

MORE: Worse terror attack on London Bridge foiled by chance, police say | UK news | The Guardian

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