Saturday, April 1, 2017

ISIS bomb factory to pack vehicles with deadly CHLORINEh in Mosul

Iraqi soldiers have discovered a bomb factory used by ISIS in Mosul featuring an armoured garbage truck painted in red to fool US spy planes.

Iraqi soldiers found two cars ready to be loaded with explosives and an armoured plated garbage truck destined to be used in suicide missions.

Government troops made the terrifying discovery in the Josah district as they advanced into the western half of the city, where hundreds of thousands are still trapped under the terror group’s control.

‘These two car bombs were under construction and were almost ready to be loaded with explosives to be used against us, but Daesh didn’t have time to deploy them before we liberated the area,’ Heider, a soldier with Iraq’s elite Rapid Response Division (ERD), told MailOnline.

Source: ISIS car bomb factory jihadis US drones | Daily Mail Online

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