Friday, March 31, 2017

Aung San Suu Kyi: Myanmar’s great hope fails to live up to expectations

A year after her party swept to power, the Nobel laureate faces questions over her leadership and silence on persecution

It was never meant to be this way.

The script called for the lead actor, a Nobel prize winner, to seize control of a country, bring peace where there was conflict and prosperity where there was poverty. A nation emerging from years of military dictatorship was to become a beacon of hope not only for its cowed population but also for much of a fractured and turbulent south-east Asia.

But like many political dramas – especially over the past 12 months – the script has not been followed by Myanmar and its de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

Now, a year since one of the world’s most famous prisoners of conscience came to power in the specially created position of state counsellor, the talk is not of progress…

MORE: Aung San Suu Kyi: Myanmar’s great hope fails to live up to expectations | World news | The Guardian

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