Sunday, August 20, 2017

Turnbull announces new anti-terror strategy

The Prime Minister has unveiled the country’s first national strategy to prevent attacks on home soil.

The plan, called Australia’s Strategy For Protecting Crowded Places From Terrorism, was given to Australian businesses and councils last week, and outlines ways to prevent vehicle attacks similar to those seen in Barcelona, Nice, and London.

‘What we’ve done with this crowded places strategy is we have set out a series of tools by which owners and operators of venues… are able to assess the vulnerability of their site, see how they can make it safer and know where to seek advice from police,’ Mr Turnbull said.

‘We are relentlessly, tirelessly, working to keep Australians safe.

‘There is no place for set and forget. ‘

‘Every day we are improving the tools whether they are legislative or technical, that our agencies have to keep us safe.’

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller says that the new guidelines will provide consistency to risk assessment of various events.

‘I think in the past, law enforcement and government has asked the community and the media to play an important part in the prevention of terrorism but what we’re doing now is tying in local businesses and local government to all be on the same page,’ he said.

Transport Minister Darren Chester said aside from maintaining constant vigilance there will be a greater use of permanent bollards to separate vehicles from pedestrians and more use of police and agencies around mass gatherings.

Source: Turnbull announces new anti-terror strategy

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