Sunday, August 20, 2017

‘Quiet’ cop was working overtime… and took down four terrorists; Should double his pay!

THE hero police officer who shot dead four terrorists in Spain intent on attacking people with knives was a former elite soldier and expert marksman.

The policeman, who has not been named for security reasons, had served with the Spanish Legion, a crack infantry unit of the Spanish army.

It is a “rapid reaction force” which bears the nickname “Bridegrooms of Death’, and is modelled on the legendary French Foreign Legion.

The married father, highly trained in firearms and marksmanship, is now part of the Catalan police force, Mossos d’Esquadra, The Telegraph reports.

As the world reels at news that seven-year-old Australian Julian Cadman is among those murdered in Barcelona last week, the officer who shot four of the terrorists down just wants to get back to work.

He had joined the police force looking for a more stable and less dangerous life, and wasn’t meant to be working last Thursday when terrorists struck the heart of Spain, in Barcelona.

He offered to work overtime in Cambrils, about 120km from Barcelona, when security was beefed up in the wake of the Barcelona attack earlier in the day

Source: Police officer who gunned down Spain terrorists was former special forces soldier

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