Sunday, August 20, 2017

Julian Cadman: Pathetic youths who murdered 7yo should have their existence erased


THE despicable cowards who murdered seven-year-old Julian Cadman in the name of a pathetic myth of a “noble jihadi” cause should have their memories erased forever.

As in wiped from the planet, from every digital cloud and Facebook post and photograph from which they smile.

And their mothers, who cried for “my boys” when they learnt police had shot dead their terrorist sons, should be silenced.

No funerals, no memorials and no graves for your so-described “good boys” who you claimed to reporters had never done anything wrong.

The brave police officer in the town of Cambrils who shot an amazing four of the jihadis drugged up on amphetamines in fake “Coke can” suicide vests should be decorated.

That is, when they recovers from the shocking ordeal for which they are now receiving psychological support.

In a nightmarish “horror film” scene, one of the jihadis rose up after being shot “taunting, smiling, laughing and he carried on walking to the police” until he was shot again.

And what to do when police find the driver of the car down Barcelona’s Las Ramblas killing 14, including little Julian and a there-year-old girl, and injuring more than 100 people?

Spain abolished the death penalty in 1978, three years after firing squads shot members of the Basque separatist group ETA and another revolutionary group, the FRAP, for murdering police.

Maybe he’ll do the world a favour and send himself off to meet the 72 virgins dangled as inspiration to commit jihad by the geldings who run ISIS.

Some will say, why the outrage now when hundreds, probably thousands of little children have been killed by terrorists for ISIS, or its offshoots?

Perhaps it’s just that poor little Julian Cadman has given terrorism a face for Australians.

But anger has been bubbling up among us about the prevailing gutless “fad” of these jihadi jerks to plough through crowds in a vehicle to cause mayhem and death.

It has now reached bursting point.

The town of Ripoll, 100km northwest of Barcelona and just south of the French border, is where the driver of the Las Ramblas terror truck lived.

Among the 12 worthless young males in the group that planned the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks and a bomb intended for the Sagrada Familia cathedral, were seven from Ripoll.

Relatives of some of the terrorists blamed Ripoll’s imam, Abdelbaki Es Satty, who has since fled town…

Source: Julian Cadman: Pathetic youths who murdered 7-year-old should have their existence erased

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