Sunday, August 20, 2017

Greens blame Pauline Hanson for next terror attack

A Greens senator has faced off with Pauline Hanson over her burqa stunt in parliament, warning the next terror attack will be on her head.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young described the One Nation leader’s decision to wear the Islamic veil last week as disgraceful.

Senator Hanson needs to reflect on the fact security experts think her actions will be used to promote extremism, she said.

“You are doing ISIS’s work for them,” Senator Hanson-Young told the Seven Network on Monday.

“You are putting the entire country at risk.”

Senator Hanson stood by her push for the burqa ban, despite what Senator Hanson-Young labelled a “stupid stunt”.

“The next attack in Australia will be on your head Pauline,” the Greens senator said.

Source: Greens blame Hanson for next terror attack | Perth Now

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