Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Trump’s speech to the Boy Scouts touches off a firestorm of criticism


President Donald Trump’s campaign-style address to the Boy Scouts of America touched off a firestorm of criticism on Tuesday as parents and former Scouts decried a speech peppered with partisan attacks and ridicule of “fake media.”

The youth organization’s Facebook page filled with complaints from former Scouts and parents of Scouts that Trump’s remarks in West Virginia on Monday evening were out of keeping with the values of the Boy Scouts. About 40,000 people including tens of thousands of boys ages 12 to 18 attended the event.

A minority of those who commented on the speech, delivered at the organization’s National Jamboree, argued that exposure to politics is an important part of a Scout’s community engagement.

“I’m another American offended and disturbed by Trump’s breath-takingly inappropriate campaign rally yesterday,” wrote Jim Schakenbach, who described himself as a former Scout leader.

“No simple words of encouragement or inspiration, no call to leadership or community service, just yet another pathological campaign rehashing.”

Source: Trump speech to Boy Scouts raises ire of parents, former Scouts

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