Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Melbourne, Sydney, Perth weather: Winter forecast is more like December than July

HAPPY Christmas in July! Although you wouldn’t know it by the temperature which has turned into Christmas in December.

The weekend in Sydney the temperature is forecast to be so high that it will hit the average for a December day, not a day in deepest darkest midwinter.

Across the country the mercury is set to soar to Spring time and even summer time heights. Brisbane and Adelaide will have temperatures more akin to October than July.

While it will make a welcome midwinter change from the freezing conditions we’ve seen over the last couple of weeks, weather boffins have warned that — whether hot or cold — this season is turning into one of the most parched on record.


Sydney — July average maximum temperature 16.4C

This week’s high will be more like December

Between 18C-22C for the rest of the week, peaking at a whopping 25C on Saturday. Mostly sunny with possible showers on the weekend.

Melbourne — July average maximum temperature 13.5C

This week’s high will be more like October.

Between 15-17C until Friday and then a high of 19C on Saturday. Showers possible all week.

Brisbane — July average maximum temperature 20.4C

This week’s high will be more like early October.

A untroubled week of sunshine with daily maximums between 24-26C.

Perth — July average maximum temperature 18.4C

This week’s high will be more like late September.

20C max for Monday and Tuesday rising to 21C on Thursday before dropping back to between 17-18C through the weekend. Sunshine and showers which could be heavy towards the end of the week with possible thunderstorms.

Adelaide — July average maximum temperature 15.3C

This week’s high will be more like early October.

Bobbing around 19C for the rest of the week heading up to 21C on Saturday. Possible showers between the sunshine.

Canberra — July average maximum temperature 11.5C

This week’s high will be more like September.

Between 13C and 15C for the week and then 17C on Saturday. Still cold overnight though, dropping to -4C early on Saturday. Possibly shower here and there.

Hobart — July average maximum temperature 10.5C

This week’s high will be more like September.

Monday will see a max of 14C and then drop to a below average 10C on Tuesday. Shrugging off the cold, the week’s highs will then climb to 15C on Saturday. Partly cloudy with some showers.

Darwin — July average maximum temperature 30.6C

This week’s high will be more like September.

33C and sunny all week for the top of the Territory.

Source: Melbourne, Sydney, Perth weather: Winter forecast is more like December than July

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