Tuesday, July 25, 2017

‘I Think He’s Crazy’: GOP Senators Caught Talking About President Trump on a Hot Mic

“I’m worried,” Sen. Susan Collins said

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was accidentally recorded talking about President Donald Trump and the Texas Republican congressman Blake Farenthold during a Senate subcommittee hearing on Tuesday.

According to a spokesperson for Sen. Collins, someone sitting near her didn’t turn off the microphone. It’s currently unclear whose microphone was left on.

At the start of the recording, Collins speaks to Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, who is the ranking Democrat of the subcommittee. The two discussed Trump’s federal budget, calling his administration’s handling of the budget “irresponsible,” according to the Washington Post.

“I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was ‘grant,’ they just X it out,” Collins said, according to the Post. “With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It’s just incredibly irresponsible.”

“Yes,” Reed replied. “I think — I think he’s crazy,” he said, referring to the president, according the Post. “I mean, I don’t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was accidentally recorded talking about President Donald Trump and the Texas Republican congressman Blake Farenthold during a Senate subcommittee hearing on Tuesday.

According to a spokesperson for Sen. Collins, someone sitting near her didn’t turn off the microphone. It’s currently unclear whose microphone was left on.

At the start of the recording, Collins speaks to Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, who is the ranking Democrat of the subcommittee. The two discussed Trump’s federal budget, calling his administration’s handling of the budget “irresponsible,” according to the Washington Post.

“I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was ‘grant,’ they just X it out,” Collins said, according to the Post. “With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It’s just incredibly irresponsible.”

“Yes,” Reed replied. “I think — I think he’s crazy,” he said, referring to the president, according the Post. “I mean, I don’t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.”

Source: Susan Collins Mocks Blake Farenthold on Hot Mic | Time.com

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