Monday, June 5, 2017

VIC SIEGE: Khayre charged over a plot to attack the Holsworthy Army barracks in Sydney in 2009.

Khayre was charged over a plot to attack the Holsworthy Army barracks in Sydney in 2009. He was acquitted, but three other men — all with links to Somali-based terrorist group al-Shabaab — were convicted of the attempted terror attack.

A deadly siege in Melbourne overnight which left two men dead and three police officers injured is being treated as a lone-wolf terrorist attack, say Melbourne police.

“He had a long record of violent offending: he had been an accused in a terrorism prosecution, although he had been acquitted; he was in prison for offences of violence and was released on parole; he had, we understand, offended while in prison,” Turnbull said.

“It is very hard, I think, to understand why he was released on parole given the nature of his record and the nature of his offence.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the hostage situation on Tuesday morning.

What We Know So Far

  • Yacqub Khayre, 29, has been identified as the lone gunman responsible for the Brighton siege;
  • A sex worker was taken hostage, the apartment attendant was shot dead and three police officers received bullet wounds;
  • Khayre has a long history of criminal charges and links to terror group Al Shabaab. He was charged but acquitted over the planned terror plot at Holsworthy Army Barracks in 2009;
  • Victoria Police are treating the attack as terrorism;
  • Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was called for an overhaul of parole laws in light of the attack.

Police are raiding the home and examining the laptops and phone of slain gunman Yacqub Khayre, 29, on Tuesday in the hunt for terrorist ties…

MORE: Police Say Deadly Melbourne Siege A Terror Attack As IS Claims Responsibility

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