Monday, June 5, 2017

Low-paid workers to get another $22 per week after Fair Work Commission increases minimum wage

Australia’s lowest paid workers will soon get a pay increase of $22 a week.

Key points:

  • Fair Work Commission approves a new minimum wage of $18.29 an hour
  • FWC president acknowledges increase would not lift all employees on the minimum wage out of poverty
  • Decision angers both employers and unions

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has approved a new minimum wage of $18.29 an hour, an increase of $0.59 an hour.

That is more than double the increase most employer groups wanted — but well short of the $45 a week boost demanded by unions.

The FWC’s president, Iain Ross, said the gradual improvement in the Australian economy meant the commission had an opportunity to “improve the relative living standards of the low paid”.

He said international research showed the commission had been too anxious that “modest” increases could discourage businesses from hiring new workers.

And Mr Ross said the $22 wage hike struck the right balance…

MORE: Low-paid workers to get another $22 per week after Fair Work Commission increases minimum wage – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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