Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Iran attacks: 5 dead, reports Multiple gunshots outside the parliament building in Tehran

Breaking: 5 dead, state new agency reports

  • Multiple attacks are being reported in Iran’s capital of Tehran according to state media.
  • Armed attackers stormed Iran’s parliament building, killing five people and taking some hostage, state-run Fars News Agency reports.
  • At least two people have been wounded in a bomb attack and shooting spree at the Imam Khomeini mausoleum south of city, Fars News Agency reports.
  • One of the perpetrators has blown himself up, according to multiple state media outlets.

Iran’s Fars News Agency is reporting that at least five people have died in the assault on parliament with 25 others caught up in the attack.

Initial reports suggest four attackers opened fire on guards as they made their way into the building, which is where the majority of injuries appears to have occurred, FNA says.

The agency says ten of those wounded are civilians who were visiting local government deputies from their constituencies. It also reported that one of the perpetrators managed to escape but a lawmaker told the state agency that he was captured on the run.

As the situation is still fluid there are conflicting reports of gunfire heard within the building. So far, the Iranian government has yet to release any information on the incidents.

Source: Iran attacks: Live updates –

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