Friday, March 3, 2017

Ivanka and Bannon clash on climate change treaty’s fate

Steve Bannon and Ivanka Trump are reportedly squabbling over the fate of America’s involvement in a landmark climate change treaty, as the president weighs whether he should prioritize his campaign promises over the diplomatic fallout if he backs out of the Paris Agreement.

The New York Times reported that the president’s top strategist and his daughter are clashing, with Ivanka urging him to stay the course and remain committed to the deal that President Barack Obama struck in 2015 with 193 other countries.

But Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s most conservative adviser in the West Wing, is pressing him to follow through on a pledge to ‘cancel’ the agreement.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is siding with Ivanka, telling the president that following through would have dire consequences for America’s credibility in future diplomatic negotiations.

Source: Ivanka and Bannon clash on climate change treaty’s fate | Daily Mail Online

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