Saturday, March 4, 2017

Is this where Trump got his Obama wire tap conspiracy theory?

3de4b6f900000578-4276594-image-a-178_1488493652102Never a dull moment in Donald Trump’s presidency. He seems to have woken up angry, as per usual and this time the source of his ire isn’t Saturday Night Live or the New York Times. It’s his predecessor, Barack Obama. In true tirade-fashion, Trump launched into an attack against the former president, accusing him of wiretapping his New York headquarter ahead of the presidential election in November.

Member of Congress Ted Lieu also painstakingly pointed out that if there was a wiretap on Trump tower, it means a “federal judge found probable cause”.

For his critics, the lack of proof for such accusations seems to be the modus operandi for the US president.

Where did he find this piece of ‘information’? 

We think we have the answer.

It may all boil down to a Breitbart News article.

MORE HERE: Is this where Trump got his Obama wire tap conspiracy theory? | indy100

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