Friday, March 3, 2017

A ‘Moonlight’ Audience Is Shown ‘La La Land’ Instead for 20 secs

Oh, those crazy Brits. Moviegoers at a cinema in East London expecting to see “Moonlight” on Monday night were instead treated to the first 20 seconds of “La La Land,” the film mistakenly and very briefly christened best picture at the Oscars the night before.

According to Time Out London, the audience immediately got the joke and broke into applause. Shortly thereafter, “Moonlight,” the bona fide Academy Award best picture winner, flickered onscreen.

“It wasn’t the actual feature film, but a few seconds from a teaser trailer,” the cinema’s duty manager told Time Out London. “Then we shut it down, and did a bit of fumbling to make it look like we made a mistake.”

The actual gaffe at the Oscars has roiled Hollywood. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced Wednesday that the two accountants tasked with handing presenters envelopes naming the winners would not attend the ceremony again. One of the accountants, Brian Cullinan, had mistakenly handed a duplicate best actress envelope to the presenter, Warren Beatty, which led to “La La Land” being incorrectly announced the victor.

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