Friday, August 11, 2017

AUSSIE Sally Pearson is poised for one of the great sporting comebacks

Sally Pearson is poised for one of the great comebacks after recovering from years of injury to be the fastest qualifier into the world championship hurdles final.

She now stands just 10 hurdles from her ultimate plan – another world championship.

Pearson stood at the blocks in her semi-final and wondered, ‘What if lose? What then?’ Even champions have moments of doubt and Person had more reason than others to question if she still had it in her to win after a string of terrible injuries stopped her competing in a major championship for three years.

At 30, the comeback to fitness. She moved her last coach on and took matters in her own hands. She got herself fit and has now got herself into a world championships final in 12.53 seconds – the fastest time of anyone.

That time as much as the distance she had on the next runner was a big statement to the field that she was back.

Source: World athletics championships 2017: Australia’s Sally Pearson the fastest into hurdles final

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