Thursday, August 10, 2017

UK won’t back US on military strike against N Korean UNLIKE Australia [Vietnam War?]

BRITAIN would play no part in any military action against North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, Government insiders have revealed.

The signal came as Theresa May’s deputy called for a de-escalation of tension between US President Donald Trump and the rogue Communist state — but it was immediately slammed as “weak and ill-judged.”

First Secretary of State Damian Green said it is “obviously” in Britain’s interests that the stand-off between Washington and Pyongyang does not lead to conflict.

Speaking in Edinburgh, he urged Mr Trump to be “sensible” and go through the UN before acting on his “fire and fury” threat.

A senior Government source insisted the UN was as far as the UK would go in support of a possible military strike by the US.

They told The Sun: “The Americans are more than capable of doing what they might want, or have to do, in the region without our help.”

It came as North Korea issued a renewed threat to launch a missile strike on the US Pacific island territory of Guam.

Asked whether Mr Trump was wise to threaten to unleash “fire and fury” in retaliation, Mr Green said: “I think the sensible way for people to proceed is to work through the UN process, that’s what the British Government has been supporting and will continue to support.”

Source: Britain won’t back Donald Trump on military strike against North Korean despot Kim Jong Un as PM’s deputy calls for a de-escalation of tension

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