Friday, August 11, 2017

Hugh Jackman gives Broome, Kimberley tourism boost

BROOME has been given a massive tourism fillip by actor Hugh Jackman, who has instagrammed his recent trip to the region to 14 million followers.

Images of him fishing under blue skies, diving off a cliff into a gorge and standing outside the world’s oldest operating picture garden have elicited praise from across the globe.

Images taken from a plane show the magnificent colours of Simpson Beach surrounded by red sand and blue and green water.

In another photo, he stands metres in front of a crocodile in what appears to be Windjana Gorge.

His followers have made comments such as “wow, I wish I could afford to holiday there”, “stunning” and “magnifique”.

It is not known why Jackman was in Broome but the WA Academy of Performing Arts graduate appears to enjoy the State.

In late 2015, he posted a selfie with a quokka. Tourism WA said it had not contracted him as an ambassador.

Source: Hugh Jackman gives Broome, Kimberley tourism boost | Perth Now

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