Thursday, August 10, 2017

‘We will FIGHT alongside Trump’. They’d be 1st in the Nuke Bunker. LOL if it wasn’t so SERIOUS

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull says any attack on the United States by North Korea will prompt him to invoke the ANZUS treaty — and rush to Trump’s aid.

Trump declined to say whether the US is considering a pre-emptive military strike.

“If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about an attack on anybody we love or we represent or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous,” he told reporters, with Vice President Mike Pence at his side.

“And they should be … because things will happen to them like they never thought possible.”

Trump’s comment followed reports that Pyongyang had successfully miniaturised a nuclear weapon. It marks a major step in the country’s nuclear ambitions.

North Korea’s state media responded by saying the country was considering a plan to attack the US territory of Guam.


A top North Korean general accused Mr Trump of acting “senile” while he takes a working vacation “on the golf links.”

General Kim Rak-gyom, commander of the North’s strategic rocket forces, insulted the US President in response to his threat to unleash “fire and fury” against the reclusive state…

Source: Donald Trump on North Korea: ‘Maybe I wasn’t tough enough’ with ‘fire and fury’ line | Perth Now

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