Saturday, June 24, 2017

Shocking ATM scams used to steal your money… would YOU have spotted any of them before it was too late?

IF you thought covering your pin was a good enough precaution to take when drawing money at a cash machine, think again.

Crooks are using increasingly sophisticated methods to con you out of your hard-earned dosh at ATMs.

Card skimmers, cash traps and system hacks are becoming increasingly common, and more often than not they’re hard to spot as they’re fully concealed inside the machine.

It’s crucial to keep your eyes peeled and be aware of how these scams work, and what you can do to protect yourself against them.

Take a look at some of these shocking ATM scams compiled by Bored Panda – would YOU have spotted them before it was too late?

Check that the card reader is securely fastened

Watch out for hidden cameras

Check the receipt slot

Watch out for fake keypads

Check the Audio Jack

What’s that grey box?

Check the card slot

It pays to jiggle the card reader, as it may be equipped with a skimming device. This records the details from the magnetic stripe of a card, so that they can harvest data from every person that swipes their cards, while a miniature camera captures the PIN being entered

The three ways fraudsters target cash machines

Entrapment devices
Inserted into a cash machine’s card slot, these devices retain the card inside the machine. The criminal then tricks the victim into re-entering their PIN while the criminal watches. After the cardholder gives up and leaves, the criminal removes the device with the card and subsequently withdraws cash.

Skimming devices
Attached to the cash machine to record the details from the magnetic stripe of a card while a miniature camera captures the PIN being entered. A fake magnetic stripe card is then produced and used with the genuine PIN to withdraw cash at machines overseas, which have yet to be upgraded to Chip & PIN.

Shoulder surfing
Criminals watch the cardholder entering their PIN, then steal the card using distraction techniques or pick pocketing.

Source: Financial Fraud Action UK

MORE: Here are seven shocking ATM scams used to steal your money… would YOU have spotted any of them before it was too late?

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