Friday, June 23, 2017

Fridge-freezers that started Grenfell Tower fire can engulf kitchen in flames within seconds

FRIDGE-freezers similar to the one that started the Grenfell Tower blaze can take just 90 seconds to engulf a room in fire, authorities say. Speaking on the dangerous devices, London Fire Brigade

“They burn extremely quickly,” he told the Daily Mirror.

Devices with plastic rather than metal backs are especially dangerous as they are incapable of containing fire.

On top of the dangerous plastic backing, the machines are often packed with highly flammable insulation, which allows the devices to burst into flames so quickly entire kitchens can be engulfed in seconds.

According to Vaughan, the issue has been going on for “several years”, with calls for change ignored.

The fire chief explained how the fridge-freezers start fires: “Once a spark ignites in the compressor which powers the freezer, it can be as little as 90 second before the whole kitchen is engulfed in flames.

“The foam used to insulate them is highly flammable and is the equivalent to having four gallons of petrol around your freezer.

“Once ignited it produces an intense heat three times that of a large bonfire.”

He went on to describe the fires sparked by plastic-backed fridge-freezers as “some of the worst home fires we have had”.

It comes as investigators also said that cladding and insulation that was attached to the outside of the building has failed all safety tests and cops were now looking at possible manslaughter charges…

Source: Fridge-freezers similar to the one that started Grenfell Tower fire can engulf kitchen in flames within seconds

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