Saturday, June 24, 2017

The world’s biggest hacking group thinks Nasa is about to announce alien life

alien.jpgDo aliens exist? Quite possibly yes. Hacktivist group Anonymous, who have previously taken shots at Isis, Donald Trump and the Westboro Baptist Church, are claiming that Nasa is about to announce they’ve discovered alien life.

It might seem like a far-fetched theory, but the evidence supporting extraterrestrial life is increasing.

Last week, Nasa discovered 219 new planets, 10 of which are “rocky planets” like earth. These all reportedly exist in the ‘Goldilocks zone’, a part of the solar system which is neither too close and therefore too hot, or too far and therefore too cold for their solar system’s star.

This takes the total number of planets discovered by the Keplar space telescope to 4,034, 50 of which are described by Nasa as “earth like”…

Source: The world’s biggest hacking group thinks Nasa is about to announce alien life | indy100

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