Friday, June 23, 2017

Politicians To Get Pay Rise On Same Day Of Penalty Rate Cut

Malcolm Turnbull is getting a raise and a tax cut on the same day.

Despite efforts from Labor this week to block the impending cuts to penalty rates, thousands of Australians are bracing for a hit to the wallet when their pay for working weekends and holidays is trimmed back on July 1. Coincidentally, this is exactly the same day the nation’s federal politicians will receive a pay rise, and a tax cut.

In a bizarre and ironic piece of timing, in just eight days time, some of the nation’s lowest paid workers in the retail, hospitality and fast food sectors will have their penalty rates scaled back — while the base pay for politicians will rise to over $200,000 for the first time, and the Prime Minister scores a $10,000 raise. It is also the same day the government’s deficit levy, essentially an extra tax on the highest-paid Australians (including politicians) expires, which means our representatives in Canberra will score a double-whammy of a pay rise and a tax cut on the same day.

“The Tribunal has decided to increase remuneration by 2 per cent for public offices in its jurisdiction, with effect from 1 July 2017,” the Remuneration Tribunal announced on Thursday.

Source: Politicians To Get Pay Rise On Same Day Of Penalty Rate Cut

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