Friday, June 23, 2017

New Zealand newspaper names and shames drunk drivers on front page

nz-queenstown-paper.jpgA newspaper in a busy New Zealand resort town has decided to take a stand against drunken driving by filling its front page with the names, ages and alcohol readings for about 100 people convicted of the offence this year.  Queenstown’s breathtaking scenery, adventure sports and skiing have made it a must-see destination for millions of tourists visiting New Zealand, but its vibrant nightlife has also contributed to what some describe as an epidemic of drunken driving.

Convictions have fallen by one-third across New Zealand over the past five years, but they’ve risen in Queenstown, according to the Mountain Scene, which put the offenders on its cover of this week’s edition. With about 100 names, there was no room on the page for other stories.

Editor David Williams said the paper will continue to name and shame people on the front page for the rest of the year as the convictions roll in the district of about 30,000 people.

He said tourism growth and a building boom were bringing more people into the town…

Source: New Zealand newspaper names and shames drunk drivers on front page | The Independent

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