Friday, June 23, 2017

Sydney police officer filmed ‘harassing’ homeless man

A VIDEO capturing police officers allegedly ‘harassing a poor homeless man’ has gone viral — infuriating thousands of people.

Keteilia Harris, who filmed the video, claims one of the Sydney police officers “punched the homeless man” before the video was taken.

“Just witnessed this police officer harass a poor homeless man while he was ‘hanging around’ collecting his free dinner that lovely people were providing,” Ms Harris wrote on Facebook.

“Before this video the police officer punched him and asked him to move away 500 meters after calling him “a homeless piece of s***” while the man was asking the police officer why he’s being sent away.”

The video shows an officer grabbing the man and pushing him up against a railing.

A police officer is heard saying “I’m going to write you a ticket”.

“What for?” the homeless man asks.

“For offensive behaviour, offensive language,” the police officer replies.

“Where is the offensive behaviour?” the homeless man questions…

Source: Sydney police officer filmed ‘harassing’ homeless man | Perth Now

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