Monday, May 8, 2017

‘Perth man’ found dead in Bali villa, police believe is a murder.

AN AUSTRALIAN man has been found dead in his Bali home in what police believe is a murder.

The bloodied body of a 63-year-old man was found inside his rented Sanur home and police say there is a lot of blood at the scene.

The victim is believed to be Perth man Stephen James Richardson.

A glass cabinet door and a window were smashed and the body was lying on a blue mattress. He had suffered wounds to his right arm, right cheek and an open wound on the forehead.

The grisly scene was discovered late Monday when an Australian friend went to the home to check after Mr Richardson had not been seen for several days and failed to attend a wedding anniversary party.

Garry Croker last night told News Corporation that when he looked through the door and saw the scene, he did not go further inside and immediately called for help.

Mr Croker was last night making a police statement and authorities say that police forensics and the dog squad have been called in.

It is understood Mr Richardson lived alone at the home after his defacto wife moved to Darwin about a month ago for work.

A shaken Mr Croker said the man had not been answering his phone for a couple of days and friends became worried.

The family thought a heart attack killed him — until police sent them photos from the crime scene.

“I will not stop until I know what really happened because it’s very clear someone took him from us.”

When he went to the Sanur address, on Jalan Danau Poso, on Monday afternoon the gate was shut and locked from inside. So he went next door, where the owner of the house lived, and got a ladder so that he got get over the fence.

“It (the door) was open for the cat and I seen him lying there. I jumped back and got the owner to ring the police,” Mr Croker said.

“I just looked through the door. I didn’t go inside. On Sunday night there was a party for a wedding anniversary and he was invited and he never turned up. He hadn’t answered the phone for a couple of days actually and we got worried.”

Friends had also commented that he hadn’t been around for coffee for a few days.

Mr Croker said the man’s motorbike was not at the villa. He had no idea if the man had any enemies or what had happened to him.

Denpasar police chief, Hadi Purnomo, told News Corporation there was a large amount of blood at the scene inside the home.

“We alleged that this is a murder case but we are still investigating,” Mr Purnomo said.

“Our team has conducted an investigation at the crime scene. The police forensic laboratory has also checked the scene and we also deployed the K9 (dog squad) to investigate.

“We are informed that the victim was living in Bali, he is a retiree. But we haven’t got information yet how long he has stayed there.”

Another witness, who owns a small warung in the area, has told police she last saw the victim on Saturday at the Stand Up Bar in Sanur.

AAP reported the man had moved to Bali about three months ago and had a history of heart disease. A knife was also collected as evidence, AAP reported.

“The first possibility is that the foreigner died due to an assault as there are wounds on his body,” police told AAP.

“The victim also had a habit of drinking alcohol … so there is a possibility that the victim died due to be drunk and falling and hitting glass.”

Source: ‘Perth man’ found dead in Bali villa | Perth Now

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