Sunday, May 7, 2017

Chemical leak stops traffic in Melbourne

Chemical leak stops traffic in Melbourne

Ethanol has been slowly leaking for more than five hours from two damaged containers in Melbourne as emergency services work to stem the flow.

The containers ruptured just before 8.30am on Monday when the truck that was carrying them struck a tree branch on Williams Road at South Yarra causing the containers to move and tip over.

“They’ve (the containers) tipped on their side and they’re slowly leaking,” MFB commander Dan Gatt told AAP.

“We can’t use a forklift because of the chance of rupturing one of the containers”.

While the ethanol level is deemed safe to the neighbourhood, the liquid is highly flammable and could spark if ruptured by a forklift.

A recovery vehicle is on its way to suck the ethanol from the two damaged containers.

The truck had 12 containers filled with 1000 litres of ethanol each on board, plus eight barrels of alcoholic liquid.

Residents have been advised to open their doors and windows if they notice a chemical smell inside their homes.

Traffic is being diverted from Williams Road between Bruce Street and Toorak Road.

Ethanol is a clear and highly flammable liquid often used as a fuel.

Source: Chemical leak stops traffic in Melbourne | Perth Now

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