Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Don’t treat war like a reality TV show: Daily Mail Online

Don’t treat war like a reality TV show

We knew Donald Trump was a maverick. But his North Korean adventure is pushing recklessness into the realms of insanity. And if Boris Johnson persists in riding shotgun on his wagon, he risks leading Britain into the madhouse too.

This paper has already expressed profound disquiet over the President’s revenge strike on al-Shayrat military airfield. But at least there was a reason for that intervention, with forces loyal to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and his Russian allies accused of launching a gas attack on civilians.North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pictured above on Tuesday, attending a meeting of the Supreme People's Assembly in Pyongyang

He can claim no such justification for cranking up global tensions further, by sending warships to North Korea.

With terrifying implications for peace, he has also infuriated the Chinese, warning in a grossly undiplomatic tweet that if they don’t ‘solve the problem’ of Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship, America will go it alone – and punish Beijing with reprisals over trade…

Source: DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Don’t treat war like reality TV show  | Daily Mail Online

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