Friday, April 14, 2017

‘Pray for calm heads… darkest and most dangerous week since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962’ – TRUMP  IS NOT A JFK!

Pray for calm heads in this Easter of turmoil

AS two billion Christians celebrate the most significant festival in their calendar, this ought to be a weekend to reflect on Easter’s message of rebirth and hope.

Yet this Holy Saturday, the Mail cannot avoid commenting on this terrifying week – perhaps the darkest and most dangerous since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

Over the past nine days, we’ve seen Donald Trump demonstrating America’s vast firepower across the globe – obliterating a Syrian airbase, sending a mighty naval force to North Korea and now exploding the ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan.

In the process, he has brought about the ‘total breakdown’ of relations between the US and Russia, whose leader he so recently courted, while sending out deeply confusing signals about who America backs in Syria (where each side embraces elements as morally repulsive as the other)…

MORE: Daily Mail Comment: Pray for calm heads in this Easter | Daily Mail Online

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