Saturday, April 15, 2017

Colin Barnett: Pipeline, “nation-building” gas pipeline to link  to the east

FORMER WA premier Colin Barnett has broken his silence to make a passionate call for a “nation-building” gas pipeline to link the east and west coasts of Australia.

Mr Barnett, who has been keeping a low profile since losing the March election, said political leaders in the east had failed to grasp an obvious solution to their energy crisis.

“I just find it ludicrous that we have gas shortages on the east coast and we have this world-class gas resource on Australia’s west coast and we’re not using it for Australia,” he told The Sunday Times.

“Maybe, if anybody wants a real nation-building project we should be looking at transporting that gas across country, as happens in Europe, North America and Russia and everywhere else. There is nothing secret and difficult about building a gas pipeline.”

On the gas pipeline idea, Mr Barnett said it made no sense for the east coast to be looking at other solutions when there was abundant gas here.

“We will be the biggest gas exporter in the form of LNG by the end of this decade,” he said.

“From outside Australia it just looks stupid. We have a gas shortage on the east coast, prices going through the roof, industry pulling out because they don’t have long-term gas supply and (they) are talking about trying to subsidise coal stations when we have this massive resource the rest of the world is buying and we are not using it ourselves (apart from in WA).”

Source: Colin Barnett opens up: Pipeline, GST and my vow to Nahan | Perth Now

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