Friday, March 10, 2017

The Viceroy with blood on his hands: BBC film whitewashes India’s last British

Viceroy’s House, a new BBC-backed film, is a fictionalised version of events in the Lutyens palace in Delhi of the Indian Empire’s last Viceroy, Lord Louis Mountbatten.

The number who died in the appalling violence following India’s independence and its partition is still disputed, but most historians believe it was a million civilians or more. What is not in doubt is that they died in the most horrifying circumstances.

Arson, torture, mass rape, desecration of temples and indiscriminate murder were commonplace after the Indian Empire was divided in 1947 along religious lines into two separate nations, India (mostly Sikh and Hindu) and Pakistan (Muslim).

As many as 12 million people…

MORE: Viceroy’s House whitewashes Lord Mountbatten | Daily Mail Online

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