Friday, March 10, 2017

Congress doesn’t like Trump’s deleted tweets (and it’s not because of the typos)

It’s also worried about emails and encrypted messages.

On Wednesday, the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform sent a letter to the White House expressing concern about the way Trump deletes those typo-filled tweets, preventing them from being cataloged properly by the Presidential Records Act.

The letter, signed by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in a rare Trump Era show of bipartisanship, also addressed additional concerns about White House employees using private, non-government emails and encryption apps like Signal and Confide to communicate.

White House staff was reportedly using the app to avoid media leaks) but criticizes use of such apps as a means of “circumventing requirements established by federal recordkeeping and transparency laws.”

Like the president, federal employees are also subject to an act that archives their communications, the Federal Records Act.  The letter closes by requesting the White House submit names of federal employees who have used private emails and what its policy is when it comes to archiving those emails.

That act was implemented in 1978, after the Watergate scandal, make those archives public and putting them under the care of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). And with the expansion of social media — and the president’s use of it — so, too, must specialists file away all those tweets.

And Trump has deleted a lot of tweets, mostly for typos. Like on Friday when it took him three tries to get a tweet up with the word “hereby” correctly spelled. (Though other tweets, like his Saturday morning misspelling of the word “tap” as “tapp,” remain published.)

Source: Congress doesn’t like Trump’s deleted tweets (and it’s not because of the typos)

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