Thursday, March 9, 2017

Marines ‘revenge porn’ scandal expands to all branches of the military-revealed that servicemen are sharing nude photos of servicewomen

Just days after it was revealed that members of the Facebook group ‘Marine’s United’  were sharing nude photos of females, it is coming to light that the same is occurring among other branches of the military.

Now the Defense Department is looking into different websites and online outlets through which members of the armed forces have shared nude photographs of women, many taken without their knowledge or permission.

The investigation started out with just the Marines, but has spread to all branches of the military.

A website, titled Anon-IB gained notoriety for publishing nude photographs of celebrities, such as Jennifer Lawrence.

Now it has been revealed that it contains a message board for military personnel to exchange comments and crude photos of female service members, or partners of service members. Some of the female members are even identified by name or duty station, reported CBS News.

Some of the photos posted are extremely pornographic, however others are just snaps of service women following requests for ‘wins’ which is a slang term for nude photos.

MORE: Servicemen are sharing nude photos of servicewomen online | Daily Mail Online

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