Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Iraqi forces recapture Mosul central bank and museum

Iraqi security forces have recaptured Mosul’s central bank, which was looted by Islamic State when the terror group overran the city in 2014, a military spokesman said.

Government forces have also taken back control of a building where the Islamic State housed its brutal Sharia court, which ordered barbaric punishments including executions and stonings.

Rapid Response soldiers seized the building that housed Islamic State’s main court of justice, Lieutenant Colonel Abdel Amir al-Mohammadawi, a spokesman for the elite interior ministry units, said.

The court was known for delivering harsh sentences, including stonings, throwing people off building roofs and chopping off hands, reflecting Islamic State’s extreme ideology.

The central bank branch and the justice court are in the same area as the main government buildings complex that Rapid Response stormed overnight.

Soldiers also recaptured the city’s main government building, which had been under ISIS control.

Source: Iraqi forces recapture Mosul central bank and museum | Daily Mail Online

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