Sunday, August 13, 2017

Dick Smith warns violent revolution if Australia’s immigration intake is not scaled back

OUTSPOKEN entrepreneur Dick Smith has warned of a violent revolution if Australia’s immigration intake is not dramatically scaled back.

Thirty years after the classic “Grim Reaper” AIDS ad first aired on TV, the businessman is launching his own version — featuring the original voice actor — warning of “famine, disaster, war and collapse”, urging politicians to end the “Ponzi scheme” before it’s too late.

“Our growth-addicted economic system will see our children living in a world of 11 billion people, consuming and polluting more than our finite planet can withstand,” the ad says. “It’s a path to either more and more inequality, or famine, disaster, war and collapse. Are we that stupid?”

Since the early 2000s, Australia’s annual net migration intake has tripled from its long-term average to 210,000 people. Mr Smith wants immigration to return to a more sustainable 70,000 a year, a call echoed by a growing number of commentators.

“It’s still very generous, but it means we would stabilise the population under 30 million people,” Mr Smith told “I have absolutely no doubt we’re going down the same track as America, which has over 30 million people on a minimum wage of $7.10 per hour, less than half ours. The prime reason is too many people trying to share the finite.”

Australia’s population has surged 21.5 per cent since 2003, compared with the OECD average of 8.5 per cent, but Australia’s GDP per capita change has just barely outpaced the OECD — 16 per cent versus 15 per cent.

Mr Smith said it would only get “worse and worse”…

Source: Dick Smith anti-immigration ad: Stop the Ponzi scheme or face revolt

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