Friday, August 18, 2017

Fired Steve Bannon declares Donald Trump’s presidency ‘over’

DUMPED Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon has declared the president’s days are over as he retakes control of the alt-right news blog Breitbart.

“The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon told the conservative opinon magazine The Weekly Standard in an interview shortly after confirming his departure.

“We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”

And the presidential advisor turned alt-right loose cannon says he is not the only one abandoning the presidency. “There’s about to be a jailbreak,” he says, of congressional Republicans away from the Trump camp.

US media is reporting Bannon supporters as painting the controversial chief strategist’s departure from the White House as a strategic move to unleash his alt-right beliefs.

Bannon’s supporters took to social media, declaring him ‘unchained’ and leading alt-right news blog Brietbart in a ‘war against his opponents’.

Bannon has already returned to Brietbard News as Executive Chairman.

“Steve Bannon returned to Breitbart News as Executive Chairman of Breitbart News and chaired our evening editorial meeting,” tweeted Breitbart News White House correspondent Charlie Spiering.

Supporters are declaring the strategist – widely regarded as the man who won the 2016 election for Donald Trump through shifting his focus to disaffected white rural America – has been “unchained” and will now lead the media organisation in “going to war” against Trump’s opponents.

Friends of Bannon said that he “felt liberated since it became clear he was being pushed out”, and planned to operate Brietbart as a “killing machine.”

DELVE DEEPER: Bannon’s apocalyptic vision of America’s future

The populist-nationalist movement got a lot stronger today,” Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow said in an announcement. “Breitbart gained an executive chairman with his finger on the pulse of the Trump agenda.”

Bannon has also reportedly met with the billionaire Mercer family – key Republican campaign donors whose support he secured for Trump during the 2016 election campaign.


Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed the news of Bannon’s removal from the White House Friday afternoon, saying chief of staff John Kelly and Mr Bannon had “mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day”.

The New York Post reported that Mr Kelly had reviewed West Wing staff and was expected to fire the former Breitbart editor, the voice of the alt-right who had the President’s ear…

Source: Donald Trump letting Steve Bannon go, New York Times says | Perth Now

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