Friday, August 18, 2017

Donald Trump fires chief strategist Steve Bannon, conservative returns to Breitbart

President Donald Trump has fired chief strategist Steve Bannon, removing the far-right architect of his 2016 election victory and a driving force behind his anti-globalisation and pro-nationalist agenda.

Key points:

  • Mr Bannon gave an interview earlier this week that was seen to undercut the President
  • Critics have long accused Mr Bannon of being anti-Semitic
  • Democrats have welcomed Mr Bannon’s departure

A favourite in the farther-right portions of the Republican Party, Mr Bannon pushed Mr Trump to follow through on some of his most contentious campaign promises, including a travel ban on people from several Muslim-majority nations and his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders announced Mr Bannon’s exit in a statement.

“White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day,” the statement said.

Source: Donald Trump fires chief strategist Steve Bannon, conservative returns to Breitbart – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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